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Change Style Indicator

The Change Style Indicator is a leadership assessment designed to measure an individual’s preferred style in approaching and addressing change. It provides leaders of all levels with insights on personal preferences for managing change and provides context for how those around them might perceive and respond to their preferred style.

The Change Style Indicator uses 20 items to establish a ranking of how the respondent prefers to address and work with change – addressing both initiated and imposed change. Leaders are placed on a continuum along a Conserver, Pragmatist and Originator spectrum.


  • Helps leaders to consider all perspectives when resolving issues to increase collaboration
  • Enables a group’s creativity and innovation by understanding style preferences
  • Improves teamwork by understanding the advantages and strengths that each style brings to an organization


  • Normative data demonstrates relationships between age, gender, industry and nationality.
  • Available in hard copy or online
  • Well validated
  • Takes 10-15 minutes to complete


CMC Leadership’s blended learning certification process can be completed quickly and remotely in three steps:

  1. Register online. A CMC Leadership Consultant will connect with you via email to begin the certification process.
  2. Learn online with interactive modules.
  3. Receive one-on-one coaching with a CMC Leadership Master Trainer on the best way to use the tool.

With certification you receive:

  • Up to 90 minutes of individual coaching from a CMC Leadership Master Trainer
  • CMC Leadership Support tools
  • Access to Exclusive Normative Reporting
  • Downloadable Facilitator Guide
  • Downloadable PowerPoint slides
  • Online Training Modules
  • Access to Online Assessment Center

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